논문 목록

Journal of Housing and Urban Finance. Vol. 5, No. 2, 2020

Housing price volatility and timing of housing supply in pre-sale market
주택가격의 불확실성이 주택공급시기 결정에 미치는 영향
J. Hous. Urban Finance 2020;5(2):5-18.
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Commuting characteristics and residential satisfaction by public housing type in Seoul
통근특성을 통해 본 서울시 공공임대주택 거주자의 주거만족도: 매입임대와 영구임대 비교를 중심으로
J. Hous. Urban Finance 2020;5(2):19-33.
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A study on the characteristics of Price-to-Income Ratio (PIR) change among Seoul’s apartments by district
서울시 자치구별 아파트 Price-to-Income Ratio(PIR) 변동 특성에 관한 연구
J. Hous. Urban Finance 2020;5(2):35-52.
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The correlation and causality between broadcasting sentiment index and housing sales price index: Evidence from Seoul
방송뉴스 감성지수와 서울시 주택매매가격의 상관 및 인과관계 분석
J. Hous. Urban Finance 2020;5(2):53-68.
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An explorary study on evaluation indicators of uban renewal projects
도시재생사업의 평가지표에 관한 탐색적 연구: 성과평가를 중심으로
J. Hous. Urban Finance 2020;5(2):69-83.
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An analysis of the economic effects of the leading urban regeneration area in Gunsan: Focusing on revenue by business type*
군산시 도새재생선도지역의 경제적 효과 분석: 업종별 매출액을 중심으로*
J. Hous. Urban Finance 2020;5(2):85-101.
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