논문 목록

Journal of Housing and Urban Finance. Vol. 6, No. 2, 2021

A study on the virtuous cycle structure between real estate income and aseets
부동산 소득과 부동산 자산 간 선순환 구조에 관한 연구
J. Hous. Urban Finance 2021;6(2):5-21.
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A structural break in Korean rental housing market
전월세시장의 구조적 변화
J. Hous. Urban Finance 2021;6(2):23-32.
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Rent affordability by life cycle stage and effect of public housing rent loan in South Korea
생애주기별 임차부담 현황 및 전세자금보증 효과 분석
J. Hous. Urban Finance 2021;6(2):33-52.
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Frequency domain analysis to detect common cycle in housing price and trading volume
빈도영역 분석법을 통한 주택가격과 거래량의 공통 사이클 분석
J. Hous. Urban Finance 2021;6(2):53-73.
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