논문 목록

Journal of Housing and Urban Finance. Vol. 8, No. 1, 2023

Assessing the risk of underwater Jeonse
깡통전세의 발생 확률 추정
J. Hous. Urban Finance 2023;8(1):5-18.
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An empirical study on the short-term effects of economic sentiment on the direct and indirect investment markets in real estate
경제심리가 부동산 직·간접투자시장에 미치는 단기적 영향에 관한 연구
J. Hous. Urban Finance 2023;8(1):19-31.
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Stabilizer or multiplier: The manifestation of theoretical policy effect on the house prices
J. Hous. Urban Finance 2023;8(1):33-49.
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Determinants of residential duration for the elderly: The effectiveness of universal design in housing
노인인구의 주거 지속기간 결정요인 분석: 유니버셜디자인 효과 중심으로
J. Hous. Urban Finance 2023;8(1):51-71.
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Wait list of public rental housing: The case of Ontario, Canada
소비자 중심의 공공임대주택 대기자 명부: 캐나다 온타리오주의 사례를 중심으로
J. Hous. Urban Finance 2023;8(1):73-87.
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