논문 목록

Journal of Housing and Urban Finance. Vol. 5, No. 1, 2020

Comparative analysis of housing and stock prices using a regime switching model
국면전환모형을 이용한 주택가격과 주가의 시계열 특성 비교
J. Hous. Urban Finance 2020;5(1):5-22.
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Development strategy of untact service for housing and urban finance using 4th Industrial Revolution technology
4차 산업혁명 기술을 활용한 주택도시금융 비대면 서비스 개발전략
J. Hous. Urban Finance 2020;5(1):23-40.
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Comparative study on housing policy of the Conservative Party and Labour Party in the United Kingdom
영국 보수당과 노동당의 주택정책 비교분석 연구
J. Hous. Urban Finance 2020;5(1):41-62.
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Characteristics and implications of the land system in Vietnam
베트남 토지제도의 특징과 시사점
J. Hous. Urban Finance 2020;5(1):63-81.
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Housing supply volatility and unsold new housing after completion
주택공급변동성과 준공후미분양 결정 요인 분석
J. Hous. Urban Finance 2020;5(1):83-95.
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Threshold effect of housing market: Focused on Kernel density estimation and tax revenue impact analysis
주택시장의 문턱효과에 대한 연구: 커널밀도추정과 세수영향분석을 중심으로
J. Hous. Urban Finance 2020;5(1):97-112.
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Analysis of the effectiveness and development of performance indicators for Urban Regeneration Projects supported by the National Housing and Urban Fund: Focusing on projects that received consumer-centered financing
주택도시기금 지원 도시재생사업의 효과 분석 및 성과지표 개발:수요자중심형 융자 지원 사업장을 중심으로
J. Hous. Urban Finance 2020;5(1):113-134.
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Financial crisis and mortgage consumer protection
경제충격과 주택금융 소비자보호
J. Hous. Urban Finance 2020;5(1):135-151.
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